Banned films

Hello horror fans,

I hope you all liked the beginning of ‘Online’, please send me your thoughts and opinions.  If the script was to ever get made into a film one day it wouldn’t surprise me if the BBFC were to ban it for it’s very graphic content.  Ever since I was taught about censorship at college I have disagreed with it. As an adult you should have the right to watch and read what ever it is you wish. If nobody was hurt or violated during the making of a film then it should be fine for people to purchase it.  The media has always been blamed for real life crime (Columbine, for example). It is easy to put the blame on somebody or something else because then it makes the crime seem less real, in my opinion.

Millions of people view violence on TV every day and they don’t kill people. For somebody to take away another human being’s life, they have to already have mental and emotional issues, watching a film or TV show will just give them ideas or push them more towards the act.

I personally like banned films more than films which have not been banned because exploitation and controversial cinema is just my thing lol. Megan is Missing is personally my favourite. It is banned in the UK but is available to watch in the US.  Megan is Missing is about two teenage girls who communicate through technology I.E webcam and mobile phones throughout the film. Megan is introduced by a friend to a boy online who turns out to be a pedophile.  Some of the scenes are very upsetting to watch because it involves children being assaulted, but like most exploitation films, it has a message. It teaches young people not to just meet anybody off the internet because it can be very dangerous and it teaches parents to keep an eye on who your children are talking to online.



My overall message in a nutshell is this, don’t ban films because they are controversial and upsetting. Not everyone can enjoy romantic comedies and action films, we all have our own personal tastes. As long as the film makers aren’t breaking the law then let us watch the film!

Here is a list of some banned or previously banned films

Megan is Missing

Human Centipede 2

A Serbian Film

The Bunny Game

The Poughkeepsie Tapes

Salo/120 Days of Sodom


If us horror fans fight for what we want to watch and have THE RIGHT to watch then hopefully with our power we can stop the BBFC from banning these types of films.



About horrorgirlalex

Creative writing and media communications graduate. Hoping/trying to get my scripts turned into films and prose published. Horror film fanatic. If anybody wishes to contact me please contact me via here or by e-mail-
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